最新バージョンを入手する: Alarm Clock から Tools ために Android. HEEYYY SLEEPY HEAD! KEEP SLEEP IF U CAN! WAKE UP FOR YOUR SPECIAL DAY!Alarm Clock let your Android device be a personality digital bedside alarm clock with gorgeous themes and your favorite... 続きを読む.
最新 Alarm Clock apk ダウンロード. HEEYYY SLEEPY HEAD! KEEP SLEEP IF U CAN! WAKE UP FOR YOUR SPECIAL DAY! Alarm Clock let your Android device be a personality digital bedside alarm clock with gorgeous themes and your favorite tunes.
⏰🆙💯Alarm Clock Features ✔ Alarm Clock: Choose relaxing tunes or your own favorite music for your wake up. ✔ Various Themes: Unique clock themes & custom background support. ✔ Unlimited Alarm & Calendar Event: You’ll never oversleep or miss an important event. ✔ Health & Fitness Alarm: Form your healthy habit. More scenes support (like Drink Water, Exercises and so on). ✔ Nightstand Mode: Easy to read large digits and a full-screen mode(Try horizontal screen mode, you must love it!). ✔ To-dos: Use reminders to create and view to-dos alongside your events. ✔ Timers & Stopwatch: Notification of time elapsed or remaining in the notification bar so you can see without opening the stopwatch and timer app. PlayStore APKファイルをダウンロードして設定するか、 GooglePlay AppStore からobbオリジナルをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。