最新バージョンを入手する: Bonetale Fangame ゲーム から Arcade ために Android. You play for Skeleton and you can use bones, blasters, change gravity and teleport! You can also complete quests and unlock costumes, maps, characters, music and much more! Over time you can... 続きを読む.
最新 Bonetale Fangame apk ダウンロード. You play for Skeleton and you can use bones, blasters, change gravity and teleport! You can also complete quests and unlock costumes, maps, characters, music and much more! Over time you can play for other Characters!
Features: - More than 10 levels - 4 unique characters - Lots and lots of costumes and maps - High level of difficulty - Badtime?
* Bonetale is a fan-made project based on the original Undertale™ game created by Toby Fox. PlayStore APKファイルをダウンロードして設定するか、 GooglePlay AppStore からobbオリジナルをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。