Gacha Life 1.1.3 APK Baixar gratuito
Grátis Casual Game © Lunime.
Transferências: 1.031
39651 votes,
9 stars
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Você está prestes a baixar o Gacha Life 1.1.3 APK arquivo para o Android 4.2 air.com.lunime.gachalife-1-1-3-APKDom.com.apk Última Atualização 21 janeiro 2020 & Classificação etária Everyone. Verifique se que você tem espaço suficiente no seu dispositivo Android para fazer o download.
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Gacha Life Comentários da versão mais recente
5 stars: At first, when I saw the cover I thought it was gonna be boring. Then I started playing with it and oml I'ma have to say, this is the best game ever. It has so many varieties and very detailed. I love how you get 8 slots and I'm already on lvl 13 and I started 1 week ago. This is the most detailed dress up game I've ever played! Best game ever!
4 stars: This is a family friendly game, wich is really cute and a bit child-ish. But, I want some stuff fixed, especially for the next game. Them having underwears is fine but.. Kids colouring their clothes the same as their skin is just.. Not right! Sex in my opinion is not allowed in this game. Also it's pretty addictive but I think it's perfect for young children, as it's not hard to play and technically a dress-up, roleplay game.
5 stars: I think this is the best game ever!! And also try to fix things that are not appropriate to 6yr olds or so...like shirt's which can be colored in skin colour and girls in a bra and many more,that can sometimes lead to inappropriate videos and a lot of 6year olds watch YouTube and play your games. But if I don't count what I just said it's a good game
4 stars: this app is amazing. myself and all my friends love it, and the creativity and possibilities are endless. my only problem is that i think, when we swap a character and then go back to the studio, the chracter should NOT already be added, and we should have add them in, as well as the character that was already there. tha...
Gacha Life O Que Há de Novo
Gacha Life apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Gacha Life apk file.