Gacha Life 1.1.0 APK Baixar gratuito
Grátis Casual Game © Lunime.
Transferências: 9.958
39651 votes,
9 stars
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Você está prestes a baixar o Gacha Life 1.1.0 APK arquivo para o Android 4.2 air.com.lunime.gachalife-1-1-0-APKDom.com.apk Última Atualização 28 setembro 2019 & Classificação etária Everyone. Verifique se que você tem espaço suficiente no seu dispositivo Android para fazer o download.
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Gacha Life Comentários da versão mais recente
5 stars: This game is amazing! Even though it have tons of ads and I have to reload it if the screen doesn't work I still like the game! I highly recomend people to play this! It's like you can be in the game and make yourself in reality and finally be what you always wanted to be! Idc how long this is, I love this game! Can't wait for Gacha Life 2 Luni! Keep up the great work :)
5 stars: If I needed to have a go-to game,this would be PERFECT. I in general have a passion for art and drawing my own things.this is just like it but in a computer with all the body parts done for you. With half of it letting you do you( in style), it's great. If you have a passion like me,I think think this game is 5 stars!( by the way I'm 10.I'm on my moms account)
5 stars: It's a very fun game, studio, and avatar maker! I have a lot of fun challenging myself, and making fun stories in the studio, and the life mode if fun, I can make lots of friends easily, unlike real life ;w; It's definitely worth the amount of space it takes up, and it has a wide selection of things to do that anyone can find fun!
5 stars: This game is truly one of my favorite things to do when im bored. I love the clothes options and the colors. There is one teeny catch... Sometimes when you get on the app, it starts glitching a bunch of pages from the game over and over... Dont waste your time trying to exit out. You will just have to delete it bc it will never stop... Other than that.... I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!😍😎�...
Gacha Life O Que Há de Novo
Gacha Life apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Gacha Life apk file.