Sweet Dance 20.0 APK Baixar gratuito
Grátis Music Game © AU Dance Studio.
Transferências: 154
39651 votes,
9 stars
Você está prestes a baixar o Sweet Dance 20.0 APK arquivo para o Android 6.0 com.au.dance.en-20-0-APKDom.com.apk Última Atualização 27 setembro 2023 & Classificação etária Mature 17+. Verifique se que você tem espaço suficiente no seu dispositivo Android para fazer o download.
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Sweet Dance Comentários da versão mais recente
4 stars: Hello! I really love this game. It comes with so many modes, prizes and more! It's very easy to level up if you lost your account before. You win coins easily and coupons it's just very nice! Although, is there a setting to remove the voice
3 stars: Good game, just wasnt the right fit for me with the lack of options. For example there is no way to turn off specific things such as the combo voice ('Amazing!' 'Unbelievable!' etc.) which just happens to annoy me a lot while playing. It also crashes for me frequently and I find it heats up my phone and drains battery extremely quickly, which makes it so I can only play for a little since taps dont register after it gets heated up.
3 stars: Alright, I love the game. BUT now I have a problem that is bothering me a lot. Once I enter the game, it shows it's loading but once it loads everything doesn't work correctly. Those red dots are gone, and so is star avenue, and if I enter anything it starts the loading AGAIN and never ends. Please fix it, I know that shouldn't be happening. And I'd also like to turn off info overhead, but it doesn't turn off ever.
2 stars: I like the idea of the game, but I can't seem to adjust my delay properly. Taking Cytus II as an example, same type of gameplay but the notes match the beat, so it's a much better day experience. It may just be a timing issue on my part, but the delay adjuster is quite...odd or hard to comprehend.
Sweet Dance O Que Há de Novo
New Gameplay
1、New Ball game: invite companions to dance together
2、New Elf growing and cultivation function, Elf combat skills are added
3、New adventure quests and BOSS challenge are added in Elf City
4、New dancer growth gift
5、New VIP gift pack
Function Optimization
1、Song search function
2、Items in gift packs can be previewed
3、The number of times to open wishing pool and eggs are added
4、Length of characters in Chat is increased
5、Ranking system: participation conditions are added