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Magic Tiles 3 10.062.102 APK BaixarBaixar APK para Magic Tiles 3 10.062.102

Magic Tiles 3 10.062.102 APK Baixar gratuito

Grátis Music Game © AMANOTES PTE LTD.

Transferências: 138

39651 votes, 9 stars

Você está prestes a baixar o Magic Tiles 3 10.062.102 APK arquivo para o Android 6.0 com.youmusic.magictiles-10-062-102-APKDom.com.apk Última Atualização 21 junho 2023 & Classificação etária Everyone. Verifique se que você tem espaço suficiente no seu dispositivo Android para fazer o download.

De optar pelo download você pode escolher dentre o local do servidor para obter o arquivo apk para Magic Tiles 3 10.062.102, Copie o arquivo para a memória do seu telefone Android ou cartão SD e use seu Gerenciador de arquivos favorito para instalar apk.

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Magic Tiles 3 Comentários da versão mais recente

5 stars: I ❤️ this fame A LOT. It gives me the chance to listen to music without pandora, but there is one that I think should change. One: too many adds. It gets annoying, and I mess up a lot, and it's annoying to have to constantly listen to adds (if there's a button to turn off the sound, that's not as annoying but still annoying. Just a little).
4 stars: It is quite amazing except there are ads everywhere and you can never just play the game there are literally breaks FOR ads! It's insane, and I preferred the old version MUCH better. There weren't so many freaking ads before it was updated! I truly wished they'd never even updated it, I liked the old version much better!
3 stars: I mean, it's alright, good games for people who are interested in music, or are band students. Although, it has too many ads! Like alot, ounce you finish the song, it says
2 stars: Too many ads. Always too many ads... I know the app has to run for free but I just want to play the gotdamn game, or is it even worth it? You still have the premium version to get income surely you don't need THAT many ads. I like the ones that don't have a wait that you can just click out of. you could put as many of those in the game as you want and I couldn't complain...

Magic Tiles 3   O Que Há de Novo

- Optimize game performance and fix bugs