Bingo Zoo-Bingo Games! 1.30.0 APK Скачать бесплатно
Бесплатно Casual Game © TAOYANG.
Загрузки: 10
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9 stars
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Bingo Zoo-Bingo Games! Отзывы о Последней Версии
5 stars: Just started playing so far its a five star cute graphics will update at a later time
5 stars: I really love this game. I am able to play without running out of boards, with peaceful music and fair play. I have deleted every single Bingo game I owned. This one is definitely a keeper. I wish there was a way to get power-ups without spending money, though. I just started playing, so I haven\u2019t figured it all out, but who cares. I can still play for hours without losing boards or lives or tickets! Awesome job, developers!
4 stars: Great game, but the tornament is hard to beat. I've been playing the tornament for 3 days straight and the gauage BARELY moves, at times it don't move at all. I think it's a tech issue.
5 stars: So far so good. I would like to to see a club opportunity to play with other peoples.
3 stars: This game has potential, I'm just not sure it's a keeper. When you get a bingo on one card(playing 2 cards) it seems you don't stand a chance of a bingo on the second card. I went as many as 8 - 10 numbers called \u0026 never got a hit. Seems like you either get a second bingo if it comes right away, otherwise you sit waiting.
5 stars: I love this game! I enjoy playing. But I wish if we got full house before the timer runs out that all that extra time could be bonus points. I think we should get extra points for finishing faster
5 stars: Great game loads of coins ,great game play, only 1 down side ,would rather have 4 cards in one ...
Bingo Zoo-Bingo Games! Что Нового
Bingo Zoo-Bingo Games! apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Bingo Zoo-Bingo Games! apk file.