Grátis Music Game © SEGA CORPORATION.
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Você está prestes a baixar o HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! 3.1.5 APK arquivo para o Android 6.0 com.sega.ColorfulStage.en-3-1-5-APKDom.com.apk Última Atualização 26 novembro 2024 & Classificação etária Everyone. Verifique se que você tem espaço suficiente no seu dispositivo Android para fazer o download.
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HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! Comentários da versão mais recente
5 stars: Would be 5 stars but the new update screws with the way I played. The challenge show doesn't show how many points till the next level and the solo show doesn't have what you scored either! Which is what I used to decide which character to do and what rank I'd play a song. Honestly pissed. Please change! Other than that I do like the new esthetic. And I love playing the game.
5 stars: It was fine when I was on a different network. But it doesn't work when I'm on my wifi at home. It kept giving me a connection error whenever I tried to open it It might be a me thing but maybe it's a glitch? I tried uninstalling it and installing it again but it didn't work. Overall though this game is awesome and I recommend it. 😊
4 stars: I enjoy this game as it has many nostalgic songs and the covers are all well done. However, after the anniversary update, the game has suddenly become very buggy. Sometimes I lag in the middle of a song or somethings when I tap, it doesn't register and I lose my combo. Recently, my phone has also been getting really hot playing this game. Please fix this as it really takes away from the gameplay.
3 stars: I genuinely love this game it's my favorite and I would recommend it to anyone who asks and normally I'd have given it a 5* but my problem is that if doesn't process a lot of my taps. If I'm holding a note it will suddenly stop and lose the combo as if my finger isn't there and it's beyond infuriating. Please fix this because I'm having...
• Updated app icon
• Updated video ads feature.
• Fixed World Link Event issue of incorrect bonus values on Select a Character menu.
• Fixed issues of Japanese text in Cheerful Shows and the Custom Profile editor.
• Preparations for events, songs, campaigns, etc.
• Fixes to resolve issues