Block Puzzle (Tangram) 1.10 APK Baixar gratuito
Grátis Puzzle Game © Hiza Games.
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Block Puzzle (Tangram) Comentários da versão mais recente
5 stars: I like this game.. it is well costructed. I enjoy playing it.. But you can improve it, as follows: Your puzzles are devided into two sets of distinct puzzles: (A): In the first set the pieces can not be rotated. (B): In the second set of puzzles, the pieces can be rotated.. But why stopping there?.. rotating a piece does not generate all possible shapes.. we should be allowed to flip it around, to create a mirror-symetrical shape
5 stars: I like it when instead of trying to solve thru trial-n-error, I try to think mentally which shape would fit in first and where others will follow. After that I start moving and fixing. This really gives my brain the exercise it needs to prolong aging. Which is why I recommend this puzzle. Try to solve mentally first.
4 stars: nice basic game, varying difficulties, lots of levels. no annoying extra gimmicks, just the game. 5 second skippable ad every 2 levels, with a constant banner ad on the bottom
4 stars: works offline. tons of levels. even tho it's repetitive it seems to keep challenging me and it's fun to discover how to fit the last one in place. u can choose what shape u want to play with too.
3 stars: its easy but fun but i want it to ask if you want to use the hints cuz most the time i dont need them but have hand tremors so most the time i hit it without noticing so kinda makes me not want to do that puzzle after
3 stars: new version is too easy, it is not interesti ng
2 stars: Too easy, but entertai...
Block Puzzle (Tangram) O Que Há de Novo