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9 stars
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に注意してください APKDom は、改造、詐欺、亀裂、無制限の金色のパッチ、または他の改変なしで、本物の無料のapkインストールファイルのみを共有します GooglePlay AppStore. 有料アプリAPKはGoogle Playストアでのみ購入できます。
ここのアンドロイドアプリとゲームはすべて家庭用または個人用です。 apkがあなたの著作権を侵害している場合は、フォームを使用してください お問い合わせ フォーム. Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games 5.1.13 は開発者の財産および商標です PlaySide Studios Ltd, 全著作権所有.
Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games 最新バージョン レビュー
5 stars: Literally couldn't ask for more. The map to choose stages is perfect as each place has its own theme. The scoring system is also great as the faster you do it, the more points you get. I bought
4 stars: Its a great game. I used to play it all the time when i was a little younger. Theres not many ads for me. A problem i have is the text goes too fast for me to read. Itll pop up, and before i can read what i need to do for the level it disappears and i end up losing the level due to not knowing what to do. But without that, its a great game and i reccomend it to people looking for a time-killer!
4 stars: Enternaining for a little bit, cute graphics and some creative concepts. Sometimes, however, it throws me into something without giving me time to even process it, thus messing me up. Kinda annoying. Though, while not many weaknesses, the strengths don't quite lift it up to a five star either. Keep up the good work, creators. It was a part of my childhood, and it was fun to go back on a nostalgia trip
3 stars: Good game but I am experiencing a problem that a few other people are too. The sound effects for each challenge (rats, water, cranking etc.) Continue to play over and over until you go back to the map. The build up is really quite horrible to listen too so I had to get rid of it even though I have loved this game for a long time.
2 stars: This game is kind of stressful for your first time playing it because there is no tutorial for none of the st...
Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games 新着情報