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Téléchargez la dernière version de OwarePa Jeu de Board Pour Android. Simple . Fun . IntuitiveINTRODUCTIONOware (also known as Wari) is the most popular of the strategy games belonging to the mancala family of board games. Oware board game, played around the... En savoir plus.
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Dernier OwarePa apk Télécharger. Simple . Fun . Intuitive
INTRODUCTION Oware (also known as Wari) is the most popular of the strategy games belonging to the mancala family of board games. Oware board game, played around the world, including West Africa, the Caribbean, and India, is believed to have originated with the Ashantis in Ghana.
GENERAL RULES Players play in turns. It is mandatory to make a move. The objective of the game is the earn more seeds than your opponent. This app features two of the many variants of the Oware game: the Nam-nam and Abapa rules.
HOW TO PLAY OWARE NAM-NAM With the Nam-nam rule, seeds in one house are picked and distributed counter-clockwise. When the distribution ends in a non-empty house, the distribution resumes starting from that ending house. A player’s turn ends when the distribution ends in an empty house. Each player earns a score when a house in the player's territory sums up to four seeds, in which case the seeds are pick out from the board. The only exception is when the distribution ends in a house and the resulting seeds become 4, in that case the player who distributed the seeds earns them.
It is not allowed to deprive your opponent of seeds. Thus, when your opponent has no seeds, you are required to make a move that will distribute some to your opponent. When there remains only eight seeds on the board, the player who captures four seeds out of the eight takes the remaining four too.
A round of play ends when all seeds on the board are captured. With the next round of play, each player fills the houses on his side using the seeds earned at the end of the previous round, starting from the right-most house. The player with more seeds acquires extra house(s) previously belonging to the opponent.
The game ends when after a round of play, one player earns all 48 seeds.
HOW TO PLAY OWARE ABAPA One plays by picking all seeds in any one of the houses in his territory and distributing them one by one in an anti-clockwise direction. When the last seed being distributed ends in an opponent’s house and that house results in 2 or 3 seeds, the player earns a score by picking those seeds. All previous consecutive house(s) of 2 or 3 seeds in the opponent’s territory are also collected up. However, a score is not allowed if collecting the seeds will leave the opponent with no single seed in his territory to play with.
When distributing a total of 12 or more seeds at a time, the house from which the seeds were picked is not served; it is skipped.
A game is won when a player earns 25 or more seeds.
EXCITING FEATURES - Play against computer at different levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard - Play with someone else online - Ability to resume game with opponent when disconnected online - Play at different speeds: very slow, slow, fast, very fast - Play in a specified time frame or with unlimited time - Nice wooden graphics, sound effects, animations, and background music - Fast and clever moves when playing against computer; no cheating - Get assistance on which move to make next - Interactive tutorial and helpful tips on how to play - Supports different screen orientation - Features multiple languages: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Twi
GET READY Simply download and play this fun board game for free. It is the perfect Oware game for you. Come on! Let’s get going.
MORE INFORMATION For more information about Oware, see the following links:
Official website: www.owarepa.com
YouTube: Search "How to Play Oware (Namnam)" Search "How to Play Oware (Abapa)"
facebook.com/owarepa instagram.com/owarepa_
Join the Community of Oware Players on Facebook via https://www.facebook.com/groups/716684239191984/
Join the Community of Oware Players on WhatsApp via https://chat.whatsapp.com/D5RiDmlWcd16CK4RJtt6eH
Contact: owarepa@gmail.com Téléchargez et installez APK de Google Play ou téléchargez et installez obb original de GooglePlay AppStore.