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MYPS2 1.1 APK DescargarDescargar APK para MYPS2 1.1

MYPS2 1.1 APK Descarga gratuita

Gratis Game arcade App © 김경태.

Descargas: 43

39651 votes, 9 stars

Estás a punto de descargar el MYPS2 1.1 APK archivo para Android 6.0 kr.co.iefriends.myps2-1-1-APKDom.com.apk Actualizado por última vez 01 junio 2024 & Clasificación por edades Everyone. Asegúrese de que tiene suficiente espacio en tu dispositivo Android para la descarga.

Si opta por la descarga usted puede elegir uno de la ubicación del servidor para obtener el archivo apk para la MYPS2 1.1, Copie el archivo a memoria o tarjeta SD de tu teléfono Android y luego usar el administrador de archivos preferido instalar apk.

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MYPS2 Últimos Comentarios de versión

5 stars: Need the update I like it ❤️ but need the setting control
5 stars: Hey y'all let's give support to him, that emulator has such potential what needs to be recognized. And of course, be patient and don't be a fool like others were with Aethersx2 Emulator!
4 stars: I think there is a lot of chances to be the one of best ps2 emulator for this one, the game is playable and runs smoothly but add some option for resolution just like 720p or maybe 1080p or 4k for higher devices for games and also add option for the controls which we can fully customize the buttons on the screen, I'm waiting for the next update and I know you can do it 🖤🔥
4 stars: Please optimise for mediatek dimensity processor plz Overall Emulator Is Awesome 👍
3 stars: Need more optimization
3 stars: First test Rael...So good 👍
2 stars: OK OK emulator

MYPS2   Qué hay de nuevo

* Add the SETTINGS - D-PAD - L, R buttons to toggle.
* SETTINGS - Added the number of Save slots adjustably.
* I added the OPTION button to the left side of the SETTINGS button.
* Local hotspots have been added to the main screen so that FTP files can be transferred from phone to phone.