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にゃんこ大戦争 12.1.1 APK 免费下载

免费 Casual Game © PONOS Corporation.

下载: 53

39651 votes, 9 stars

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にゃんこ大戦争 最新版本点评

5 stars: From casual to very serious. Can be addictive. Free to play is very broad and fun enough that you may want to pay for something at some point. The only drawback is the gatchas get repetitive and getting the really rare characters is never guaranteed (but then why would they be rare? 😀)
5 stars: Outstanding game truly one of the best mobile games ever made
4 stars: I like it because it doesn't cost much, though yourself can have lots of fun.
4 stars: Super addicting, would give it 5 stars if they had a English version.
3 stars: I like the game but grinding catfood is hard to collect. Can you please add an watch ads for one catfood please, please do it like in the english version
3 stars: this is a fun and Addicting game, but I had a lot of trouble changing the language from japanese or chinese to english
2 stars: I like the game.... BUT I CAN'T CHANGE THE LANGAUGE!!!!

にゃんこ大戦争   新增功能
