One State RP - Role Play Life 0.41.3 APK Free Download
Free Game simulation App © ChillBase.
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You are about to download the One State RP - Role Play Life 0.41.3 APK file for Android 6.0 com.Chillgaming.oneState-0-41-3-APKDom.com.apk Last Updated 21 December 2024 & Age Rating Teen. Make sure you have enough space on your Android device for the download.
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One State RP - Role Play Life Latest Version Reviews
4 stars: The game is perfect to be on Mobile but the game could be better if it has better physics for everything, and the cars flying to the sky because of a little crash or collision is my worst experience. The new update made the game so laggy wich couldn't support low end devices like the previous versions! We need More realistic Pakour not just only jumping and climbing. Not Enough weapons to choose from, *But the game is still Ok👍
4 stars: Its alright but it would be way better if there was a option for a controller to be used for the game play for the people who are not good with phone screen controls they can use there controller instead and still have the same game play experience. Thanks looking forward on hearing or seeing this happen in the next couple of updates.
3 stars: I can't get into the game it keeps me stuck in the loading menu. I saw this from a zodec video and it intrigued me. It seemed like it had potential to be an amazing game... If It would load. (Edit: I was finally able to load into the game and it was good but it kept crashing every so often this game has real potential if they could fix some proformance issues this could turn into a five star game.)
2 stars: Kind of fun, kind of pointless, with friends it's a cool idea and a hard thing to pull off. That being said, when there's alot of people in the server the game force closes about half way through a task. Makes it alot less fun. (Playing on Moto g stylus 2023) Easily a 4 star game...
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